We believe in creating a safe environment for our employees
Frigorifico Allana Private Ltd. gives prime importance to the Safety, Health & Environment aspects across all stakeholders of the organization. Towards the same, FAL maintains an environment of creating, maintaining and ensuring healthy & safe workplace by striving for “Zero Accidents & Zero Occupational Illness” of all our employees.
FAL is committed to preventing pollution through minimizing its environmental impact by complying with applicable legal and other environmental regulations and applying “reduce, reuse and recycle” principles in our processes. FAL is also committed in promoting environmental responsibilities among the employees and other interested parties. Also, we periodically review the objectives and targets for continual improvement.
FAL also takes remedial measures for the conservation of natural resources by waste minimization, hazard reduction and pollution prevention and has a ZERO LIQUID DISCHARGE PLANT. It is also accredited with a 5-star rating for maintaining air pollution norms as prescribed by MPCB.
Where Caution and Empathy Go Hand-In-Hand
Frigorifico Allana Private Ltd. has always followed a zero-compromise policy when it comes to the safety and security of our employees. Our commitment remains unaverred in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has hit everyone worldwide.
We believe complete caution and a commitment to following the Government-set guidelines to combat COVID-19 at workplaces is the only way forward. To begin with, we strictly follow the mandatory precautionary measures viz., thermal screening, hand sanitization, social distancing at every step and wearing masks at all times.

Additionally, we have installed multiple hand wash & hand sanitization stations across all our offices & factories and also follow periodic sanitization procedures. As an integral part of our COVID-19 safety initiative, we educate our employees on following statutory safety protocols. We guide them at every contact point such that we can establish not only their safety but also their teams, at all times.